Here our drum line competed at Plano Drum Line Competition and won 1st place against 4A & 5A schools. We had 2 students win 1st and 2nd place in solo snare competition. The pride of the Leopards is a great band. We start 4 weeks of band competitions this Saturday.
Here is our band playing at Hillsboro. We did a great job there. Mom, Dad, and Dom came to the game from Fort Worth. The band had the prop there so we could not see anything over the background prop. Dom and Mary went to the other side of the field to get the pictures. Dom seemed really impressed with our band. We are the little school that could. We took the lead and held it until the end of the 3rd quarter. The Eagles came back and won the game 31 to 27. Better luck next week. Next week is Homecoming.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Toni Sinclair. Mary's little sister.
Mary is back playing with the band at the Cameron game.
Here we are at Whitney. This is the band. "The Pride of the Leopards" in the stands. Justin plays in the pit. We won 26 to 6. WAY TO GO LEOPARDS, WAY TO GO!!!!